Once upon a time in a darkened but magical corner of the Animation Building at Disney California Adventure, there was a tiny exhibit that provided amazement to all who ventured there.
A Zoetrope was an early form of animation. Viewers would peer through vertical slits cut in the side of a cylinder. Inside was a series of drawings, each with a tiny change..a hand raised a bit, a foot dropped, so when the cylinder spun an illusion of movement was created. In fact, the word zoetrope comes from the Greek, meaning 'life' 'turning'.
Disney being Disney, they created a magnificent 3D version, showcasing all of our favorite Toy Story characters. Sculpted and placed in a large circle on a multi level platform, these figures followed the zoetrope standard of each piece having a slightly different pose.
This gem was removed to make way for a an Anna & Elsa meet and greet area, but there's always hope it will one day return to a new home so it can be enjoyed once again.
The Toy Story Zoetrope was a required visit for me on many visits as well a place I would drag all first time visitors. It never failed to impress.
A Zoetrope was an early form of animation. Viewers would peer through vertical slits cut in the side of a cylinder. Inside was a series of drawings, each with a tiny change..a hand raised a bit, a foot dropped, so when the cylinder spun an illusion of movement was created. In fact, the word zoetrope comes from the Greek, meaning 'life' 'turning'.
Disney being Disney, they created a magnificent 3D version, showcasing all of our favorite Toy Story characters. Sculpted and placed in a large circle on a multi level platform, these figures followed the zoetrope standard of each piece having a slightly different pose.
The platform then spins at a high rate of speed, lights flash and magic happens. The figures come to life jumping and twirling and galloping. Multiple watches were needed to get the full impact of all the activity seeming to be happening, when in reality the individual figures never changed, your perception of them moving did. Unfortunately, pictures cannot capture just how cool this is...the camera sees a blur, your eyes see living characters.